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The Power Marketing Program is a COMPLETE marketing system unlike anything you’ve ever seen. In short, we have combined some of the best elements of multiple well-known marketing systems and experts including: Jay Abraham, Gary Halbert, Michael Gerber (the E-Myth), Rich Harshaw (Monopolize Your Marketplace), Frank Kern, Dan Kennedy, Steve Jobs, Jim Rohn, Claude Hopkins, and others to create one, complete and cohesive marketing system that gives your business the leverage to dominate your market. Utilising this groundbreaking marketing system along with world class graphics, design, and media, a Certified Power Marketing Consultant can help your company become dominant in your industry and your marketplace. In fact, our system is so effective, that we can only work with one company per industry in any given market. So, will it be you or your competitor?


The Power Marketing Program™ starts with innovating a company so that they can actively market the uniqueness of their business. Regardless of their industry, the Power Marketing Program™ will introduce innovations into a business using time-tested innovation formulas that will work for any business, even if its in a commodity-based industry.


The Strategic Messaging Formula™ is an advanced, scientific formula for marketing success. This formula allows a company to build the most effective marketing message that actually taps into hot buttons that are important and relevant to the target market. Having an effective strategic message is the number one difference between effective marketing and under-leveraged marketing.


The Power Marketing Program™ defines a comprehensive suite of advanced internet marketing techniques. In short, the system is designed to develop and automate an online marketing program that utilizes online videos; captures leads and delivers automatic follow-ups through email, text messaging, and direct-to-voicemail messages; drives visibility online for relevant searches, and incorporates a company’s online presence into their overall marketing program


The Power Marketing Program™ analyzes a company’s sales process and then creates a new sales approach that is systematized to ensure that every customer and prospect has a specific and proven sales experience.


Finally, it’s always important that you look your best. It’s virtually impossible to overstate how important it is for your business to always look like the most professional company in town. The Power Marketing Program™ calls for a complete branding package to be associated and incorporated with a company’s marketing program.

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