Hello {firstname} –

Subject: Mike Noone, 3 Critical Web Design Flaws

Hello {firstname} –

I should have sent this to you 2 days ago when I sent you the link for our “3 Forbidden Phrases” video—it’s another incredibly valuable video about web design.  The video explains the 3 Critical Flaws of Web Design.

Your website is unfortunately suffering from at least 2 of these 3 flaws.  It’s all explained in this video here:   https://marketingseminars.co/3-critical-flaws/

We’ve also prepared a Website Design Checklist that makes it easy to determine what you should include in your website. I’d love to send you a free copy.  What address should I send the printed report to?

Mike Noone,
Tipping Point Marketing Consultants

022 653 9410

P.S. If you’d like instant access to the report in PDF format, just click here: http://tippingpointmarketing.co/ Website-Design-Checklist.pdf

Let’s examine what is going on with this email

Subject: Mike Noone, 3 Critical Web Design Flaws  <- Subject line hints at a problem most business owners suspect they have with their website but they don’t know what it is. (Nor do most “marketers”..)

Hello {firstname} – <- The prospects name is added automatically using this merge field tag. This makes your reader feel comfortable because you are using their first name.

I should have sent this to you 2 days ago when I sent you the link for our “3 Forbidden Phrases” video—it’s another incredibly valuable video about web design.  The video explains the 3 Critical Flaws of Web Design. < makes the sender appear human. They forgot to send the link to the second report but hey here it is now.

Your website is unfortunately suffering from at least 2 of these 3 flaws.  It’s all explained in this video here:   https://marketingseminars.co/3-critical-flaws/ 

We’ve also prepared a Website Design Checklist that makes it easy to determine what you should include in your website. I’d love to send you a free copy.  What address should I send the printed report to? <- The first CTA (call to action). This provides an opportunity to engage in communicating with the prospect. It also gives a further incentive for the prospect to stay engaged.

You will note that contact details appear for the first time, in this email.

Mike Noone,
Tipping Point Marketing Consultants

022 653 9410

P.S. If you’d like instant access to the report in PDF format, just click here: https://marketingseminars.co/ Website-Design-Checklist.pdf <- provides a low or no risk way for the prospect to find out more as there is no opt in form to get the report.
Oh, and always include a PS in your emails because most people will read them. It’s just human nature.

Prospects can get the report by clicking on the image below or the hyperlink above. There’s no opt in required.